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Stylesheet Support
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Stylesheet Support
 XEditNet Author

XEditNet uses a simple XML format for defining stylesheets, similar in concept to CSS. Example stylesheets are provided with the distribution. *** Full stylesheet reference information will be provided in future releases.

The stylesheet rules define the following aspects of visual display:

Block vs. Inline
This is the primary classification for element presentation.
Controls the offset from parent element for block elements.
Specifies font family, size and other characteristics.
Empty element
This is automatically applied for empty elements declared in a DTD. However, it is also possible to specify that other elements are displayed as empty. One example is the HTML 'a' element when the name attribute is specified.
Table, TableRow and TableCell
Indicates table structure. Note that any elements within a Table not matching a TableRow, and any elements within a TableRow not matching a TableCell are currently not displayed. Also, table column widths, rowspan and colspan are not supported. Better table support is top of the enhancement list.
This release provides basic image support.

Rules are matched to elements using XPath expressions. If multiple rules match a given element, the styles are merged in the order they appear in the stylesheet. Styles are merged from the first to last matching rule and cascaded from the currently active style. This means that basic style information can be applied to named elements via one rule, and another rule with conditions can refine this in a particular context.

In the absence of any matching rules, XEditNet uses the same rules as Internet Explorer to determine whether elements should be displayed block or inline. In other words, any element with text as a sibling is treated as inline, otherwise it is treated as a block element. This makes XEditNet convenient for viewing or editing files with no stylesheet.

Planned Enhancements

  • Better table support.
  • Support for foreground and background colours.
  • Support for right margin/padding (currently only top/bottom/left are supported).
  • Support for 'virtual text', for example bullets/numbering or displaying attributes.
  • Better image support.

Updated Version
27 November, 2004
Minor fixes and additions details

Alpha Release
21 November, 2004
WYSIWYG XML editor for .NETdetails

All News

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