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XEditNet FAQ
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What's the difference between XEditNetCtrl and XEditNet Author?
XEditNetCtrl is the underlying .NET UserControl with the bulk of XML editing functionality. XEditNet Author is a 'reference application' built around the control, for which source code is provided.
Does XEditNet support schemas
Yes and no. You can validate a document that references a schema using that .NET API but there is no interactive validation of changes made within the control.
Can I use XEditNet as part of a web form?
Yes, but only within Internet Explorer. Also, because XEditNet makes use of GDI+ via P-Invoke, the assembly must be granted full trust in order to run correctly.
Does XEditNet require the .NET Framework Runtime?
Yes, all target systems must have the runtime.
Can I embed XEditNet in my own thick client application?
Yes, you can recompile XEditNet Author or develop you own applications, subject to the same licence terms as exist for XEditNet Author.
How is XEditNet licensed?
There are four licensing models
  • Standalone - individual per seat licence
  • Enterprise - unlimited standalone licence
  • Server - a per server url licence (for web applications)
  • OEM - for embedding or licensing XEditNet with other products
See Pricing for more information.
Does XEditNet have namespace support?
Yes, although some considerations apply because of the limited support for namespaces in XML DTDs. For example, any element that uses a prefix must have the element defined with the same prefix in the DTD.
Why another XML editor?
XEditNet is intended as a cost effective XML editor that is easy to integrate and use in .NET projects. As far as I know there are no similar native .NET editors at this point.

Updated Version
27 November, 2004
Minor fixes and additions details

Alpha Release
21 November, 2004
WYSIWYG XML editor for .NETdetails

All News

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