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XEditNet provides a clean and productive editing interface. Users who are familiar with XML and comfortable using keyboard shortcuts will be productive with XEditNet very quickly. Novice users will need some focused training as they would with any new tool. Some specific editing features are:

Tags on and tags off modes
XEditNet is intended to be used primarily in tags on mode, but it is possible to hide the tags using the Ctrl+K,Ctrl+O keyboard combination.
Document does not have to remain valid
Some XML editors insist that documents remain valid at all times, but it can be extremely hard to keep a document valid while making some changes. XEditNet takes the approach that any changes supported by the .NET XML API can be made, with clear indication to the user where errors occur so they can correct them. See Validation for more information.
Enter key splits element
This allows quick creation of new elements, such as paragraphs for example.
Quick selection
Ctrl+E will progressively select element contents, parent element and so on.
Undo/redo support
XEditNet hooks into change notifications to the underlying XML document via the .NET API. Any change can be undone/redone, including changes that are made outside of the editor by API calls to the underlying document.
Unbalanced selections
XEditNet allows the selection of a start tag without corresponding end tag, which some editors prohibit. This is a more natural selection mode for many users.

Planned Enhancements

  • Improvements to tags off mode cursor handling.
  • Simple mechanism to define bullet, ordered list and table structures, so that these can be made a standard part of XEditNet. Would include standard keyboard shortcuts like Ctrl+B for bold text.
  • Collapse/expand elements (outline view).
  • Per-user keyboard customisation
  • Navigation helpers, eg. find element, find id, navigate between id and idref.
  • Search and replace.
  • More control of enter key behaviour, for example to add a paragraph if between two paragraphs rather than splitting the parent element.
  • Drag and drop support.
  • Better support for unbalanced selections. For example, allowing a user to overtype a selection that spans a paragraph start tag and a paragraph end tag, ie. ...</p><p>....
  • Ability to dock the popup windows to the control frame.

Updated Version
27 November, 2004
Minor fixes and additions details

Alpha Release
21 November, 2004
WYSIWYG XML editor for .NETdetails

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